Mayoral candidates respond to League of Women Voters’ question about A&E District and the Dinky

See the responses to all three League questions at the League of Women Voters’s website

What are the key issues that you think are most important to resolve in achieving an agreement with the University about the Arts, Education and Transit district?

Ms. Jachera: Transportation issues are of critical importance. They affect many aspects of the quality of life in our town. The MOU signed by Borough Council allocates funding for a transportation study to develop a comprehensive transit plan. After the study is completed, I will work with the University to implement the plan and encourage the use of public transportation.

Ms. Moore: Princetonians are understandably excited about the proposed arts education district.   However, Princetonians want to lead in progressive land use planning, and they want the University to be part of that leadership.  A major barrier to unequivocal public support for the arts district has been the proposal to relocate the Dinky and privatize the right-of-way.   The divide could be healed if the University can be persuaded to rethink this part of its plan.


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